“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”
Andreas Casey
Marketing Consultant Expert
We Are Investors in People
Quick wins to increase customer adquisition, lead and sales. We take a look at the big picture.
Learn How We Have Helped Leading Organizations Grow
Field research for ILO/UNHCR.
Field research to identify potential sectors/value chains through a sector selection methodology in Pakistan for the development of a market systems analysis (MSA) for Afghan refugees and host communities to access improved economic opportunities for ILO/UNHCR.
Development of 03 policy briefs for ILO/UNHCR.
Development of 03 policy briefs based on the findings of recent value chains mapping study for construction, fruits and vegetables, and artisanal crafts sectors relevant to Afghan refugees in Pakistan for ILO/UNHCR.
Result Based Management Training for Afghan CSOs.
Result-based management capacity building training manual for CSOs of Afghanistan.
Strategic Communication Manual
Capacity building manual for local CSOs in Afghanistan on Strategic Communication in Kabul and Bamyan Province.
Let’s Make Things Happen
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“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”
George Anderson
Digitalbox CEO